Manufacturing Growth

Manufacturing Growth

Manufacturing is key in creating a diverse, dynamic economy. Oakland Industrial Park, the Carleton Advanced Manufacturing Site and AirCommerce Park are attracting new interest, adding to an already thriving industrial sector.

The City’s industrial backbone became even stronger with the addition of Aldora Glass into the EDA-managed Oakland Industrial Park. The Florida-based fabricator of architectural glass and aluminum system building products introduced itself to Newport News and the business community with a ribbon cutting and open house event in November 2023. This facility is Aldora’s seventh branch operation and serves the Mid-Atlantic.

Target Flavors, a producer of flavoring for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors, began plans to expand its Oakland Industrial Park operation. Current growth in product demand is leading the company to invest in an additional 10,000 square feet of production space. Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Connecticut, Target Flavors opened its Newport News operation at 251 Enterprise Drive in 2014. Since its founding, the company has enjoyed steady
growth in a very competitive market. 

The EDA is focused on adding manufacturing capacity into the economy, and emphasizing site readiness. The EDA-owned Carleton Advanced Manufacturing Site, a 145-acre property with rail access and interstate visibility, is a priority for enhanced site readiness. To prepare for future development opportunities, the EDA is proceeding with rezoning the property from mixed use to light industrial, in addition to pursuing funding through the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP). The site has also been submitted for inclusion in CSX’s new Select Site program to further promote this location.

EDA funding is also supporting a VBRSP application for AirCommerce Park. In partnership with the Peninsula Airport Commission, this work will accelerate development attractiveness of the AirCommerce Park and opportunities for aviation-related business adjacent to Newport News/Williamsburg Airport (PHF). AirCommerce Park East, along Providence Boulevard, has four existing businesses in place, most recently Aery Aviation, along with 50 additional undeveloped acres. AirCommerce Park West, with 280 available acres, holds tremendous opportunity for future development.

Aldora Glass Debuts in Newport News
November 10, 2023
NN joins Global Leaders in Uncrewed Systems at AUVSI’s San Diego event, Xponential, with The Virginia Pavilion
April 1, 2024
Aldora Glass Debuts in Newport News
November 10, 2023
NN joins Global Leaders in Uncrewed Systems at AUVSI’s San Diego event, Xponential, with The Virginia Pavilion
April 1, 2024