COVID-19 | Community of Innovation | Big Business & International | Small Business | Choice Neighborhoods Initiative | In the Zone | By the Water

Newport News is breaking through. We’re back to work and back to play. We’re reuniting, rediscovering and reinvigorating our City.
We’re breaking new ground, quite literally, as business blossoms. With investments from legacy companies like Mühlbauer and High Liner Foods, to facilities for newcomers like Aldora Glass, Certified Origins, S23 and Mercana, our EDA team has paved the way for success in 2022.

The Newport News EDA has been hard at work empowering an entrepreneurial revolution that is growing the next generation of breakthrough companies. From real estate to tax incentives to financing, marketing and beyond, we surround the most innovative businesses with the support they need to flourish.
- Start Peninsula had yet another successful “Shark Tank”
- EDA continued its support of 757 Accelerate
- Fifth year of our free “Lunch & Learn” sessions
- Offices @ Two Five & J turned 1 year old in May
- SCORE gives people direct mentorship and support
- Collaboration with Virginia’s Small Business & Supplier Diversity Department

Our EDA team wields extensive knowledge to help navigate business needs and to help businesses plant themselves in Newport News and grow here. Our inclusive approach creates a seamless development experience and unparalleled success.
- Aldora Glass acquired a new 72,000-square-foot fabrication facility
- Arrival of Certified Origins, an Italian-based, global company
- Beat South Carolina for the Mercana Furniture and Decor project
- Virginia Enterprise Zone Program
- Welcome Avelo Airlines to our City’s airport (PHF)
- Opening of Southeast Community Pharmacy
- Groundbreaking for C. C. Carter Funeral Home
- Ferguson rang the opening bell
- High Liner Foods is modernizing its facility
- Maola is expanding
- Mühlbauer is investing $9 million to upgrade its facility
- S23 and its affiliates plan to create over 300 new jobs
- Dilon Technologies continues to innovate

Building a successful business is full of ups and downs. We’ve been thrilled to be able to provide resources that enable business owners to succeed.
- Newport News Micro Loan Program
- Newport News Capital Fund Loan Program
- Peninsula Revolving Loan Fund
- Micro Enterprise Grants
- Façade Improvement Grants (FIG)
- e-Commerce Grants
- Virginia Enterprise Zone Grants
- Newport News Urban Development Action Grant Loan Program
- Tax Exempt and Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRB)

A reliable and qualified, motivated workforce is every company’s need, which is why so many leading businesses set up shop in Newport News. The EDA has focused on cultivating a robust labor pool, filled with entry-level to experienced workers and many ex-military, who all bring incredible skill and work ethic to the table.
- Brooks Crossing Innovation & Opportunity Center
- STEM Exploration Day
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Guide Right Youth Leadership
- We work with is the federally funded Hampton Roads Workforce Council (HRWC)
- HRWC Veterans Employment Center
- Fairlead Boatworks was awarded a 2022 Workforce Innovation Award

One of our most important goals is to develop, implement and maintain programs that lead to a diversified, dynamic, always-expanding economy. Equally important aspects are to create economic opportunity and prosperity for residents, revenue growth to fund city services, stimulate quality of life and address economic equity.
- Two $250,000 grants from the Port Host Communities Revitalization Fund and Industrial Revitalization Fund
- 20-acre Sherwood Site on the Upper Warwick Boulevard Corridor is now being leveraged to redevelop the site as a civic hub for the community

There’s nothing we at the EDA love more than seeing our City evolve and thrive. We put a lot of energy into acquiring and redeveloping deteriorating properties, as well as guiding businesses towards City and state incentives as they create new offerings for our residents and economy.
- Significant progress being made on Building Two at Tech Center Research Park
- Big things happening across town in the Southeast Community

Partnership. It’s a word so common in business today it’s almost lost its meaning, and yet it is core to everything we do. We work hard to increase the outstanding economic development efforts of our public and private-sector partners — to build local and global relationships that broaden their reach and scope of influence. This way, we think bigger, aspire for more, help find new solutions to the world’s challenges and take our place as a great global region.
- Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP)
- Hampton Roads Alliance for a regional familiarization tour
- Consultant Connect Conference, Site Selectors Cruise