We Make Business Work – 2022 Message from the Chair

2022 Letter from the Chair

Newport News is breaking through. We’re back to work and back to play. We’re reuniting, rediscovering and reinvigorating our City.

We’re breaking new ground, quite literally, as business blossoms. With investments from legacy companies like Mühlbauer and High Liner Foods, to facilities for newcomers like Aldora Glass, Certified Origins, S23 and Mercana, our EDA team has paved the way for success in 2022.

We’re breaking down obstacles and providing access to capital and resources, opening new doors for the next generation of entrepreneurs and enabling small firms to take the next steps to expand.

We’re breaking away and encouraging citizens to navigate and grow their skill sets, with training and workshops to help build sustainable careers for a stable workforce and a strong economy.

We continue to value and nurture our state and local partnerships, which benefit us by amplifying our message and extending our reach for business attraction and retention.

Through visioning, we’ve been intentional in setting goals that honor the City’s past, while carefully taking action to chart a strategic path for future development and redevelopment. From the historic Southeast Community and downtown along the waterfront in The Yard District, to the Denbigh-Warwick area in the north, our Board and staff have leveraged time and talent to cultivate relationships, connect companies with opportunities and support projects which will bolster Newport News for years to come.

Newport News by the Number - 2022 statistics

Cure Coffee House - Newport News, VA
Cure Coffeehouse Offers a Welcoming and Enjoyable Experience for Guests
August 19, 2022
Workforce Development
2022 Workforce Development
January 13, 2023
Cure Coffee House - Newport News, VA
Cure Coffeehouse Offers a Welcoming and Enjoyable Experience for Guests
August 19, 2022
Workforce Development
2022 Workforce Development
January 13, 2023