Southeast Community Pharmacy Sets Out to Keep Neighbors Healthy

James Mitchell, Jr. established Southeast Community Pharmacy, an apothecary-style pharmacy that will also distribute medical equipment, such as crutches, canes, compression hosiery and more. The pharmacist will provide a variety of services at no charge, such as taking a patient’s blood pressure, sitting down with a patient to review immunizations and administer them, custom fitting compression stockings and demonstrating how to use any durable medical equipment they purchase.

They will also offer non-sterile compounding of medications and Medication Therapy Management (MTM) as required by all Medicare Part D plans. MTM looks at medication side effects and patient compliance with directions.




2510 Jefferson Avenue Project Takes Shape
December 13, 2021
Corey Jones State Farm Agency Expands Downtown
December 19, 2021
2510 Jefferson Avenue Project Takes Shape
December 13, 2021
Corey Jones State Farm Agency Expands Downtown
December 19, 2021