Get inspired about business success in Newport News.
“We’ve partnered with local colleges to create a classroom and lab space in our production center. Students benefit from on-site experience and mentoring, and we have access to a more specially trained workforce.”
Mike Lindsey / Human Resources Manager / Continental
“Liebherr has established a strong infrastructure in Newport News. The area has a wealth of experienced workers and is in close proximity to our supplier and main customer base.”
Joachim Janka / President / Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport News Co.
“I think long-term, and I think about how the nature of everything we do is dependent on technology, and how the speed of change over the last 10 years enables a different future.”
Jennifer Boykin / President / Newport News Shipbuilding
“I think that we’re really set up for success, and moving forward, it’s business development…promoting and building the economic base by job creation and promoting the success of businesses large and small.”
Jennifer Smith-Brown / Managing Partner, J. Smith Enterprises
“I always wanted to re-open a brewery in Newport News. It’s quite gratifying to see what was an integral part of our culture to come back and re-surge in Virginia, it’s really become the epicenter.”
Dan Powell / Partner & Brewmaster / Tradition Brewing Company
“Newport News offers a ‘new blue collar’ environment where skilled tradesmen with specialized training and certifications are sought after as ‘white collar’ professionals.”
Everett H. Jordan, Jr. (1955–2018) / Director (Retired)
The Apprentice School at Newport News Shipbuilding
In appreciation for 44 years with Newport News Shipbuilding and the impressive legacy of capital and academic improvements brought to the Apprentice School.