One of our most important goals is to develop, implement and maintain programs that lead to a diversified, dynamic, always-expanding economy. Equally important aspects are to create economic opportunity and prosperity for residents, revenue growth to fund city services, stimulate quality of life and address economic equity.
This year was marked by several grant awards supporting the development of new commercial space on the lower Jefferson Avenue corridor.
The EDA played an important role in securing two $250,000 grants from the Port Host Communities Revitalization Fund and Industrial Revitalization Fund, both of which are administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. The $500,000 in grant funds will support improvements to 2510 Jefferson Avenue as part of the implementation of the Choice Neighborhood Initiative and associated Neighborhood Plan.
The rehabilitated building will create new neighborhood retail and office space supporting entrepreneurship efforts on the lower Jefferson Avenue corridor and build upon the success of the Offices @ Two Five & J.
In Denbigh, the EDA’s strategic acquisition of the over 20-acre Sherwood Site on the Upper Warwick Boulevard Corridor is now being leveraged to redevelop the site as a civic hub for the community. The City contracted with Quinn Evans to develop a vision and master plan for the site, in alignment with the City’s Denbigh-Warwick Area Plan.
Redevelopment of the Sherwood Site will be anchored around a new, 21st-century library, complemented with outdoor programming and activities, and will include a mix of other municipal services, as well as opportunity for future private development.